Laparoscopic for Endoand Hysteroscopy for septum

Hannah • TTC since 1/1/2016 • 2 losses • Endo - PCOS - Uterine Septum • Laparoscopy & Hysteroscopy 6/8/2018 • Not giving up 🙏🏻

I’ll try to make this long story short...

My husband and I have been ttc for 2.5 years. I knew pretty early in something wasn’t right, I always have spotting between periods, horrible cramps, sporadic ovulation. I had one chemical 8 months after trying, saw a RE after 12 months, 2 rounds of timed intercourse with clomid and ovidrel, and 1 round of <a href="">IUI</a> and I finally got my BFP. I felt funny in my early pregnancy, like there was a ballon in my uterus pushing into my back, but told myself this just must be what pregnancy feels like. We saw the baby and heart beat at 6 w 1 d, but 2 weeks later there was no longer a heart beat. I had a d&c; and chromosomal testing done and it came back that it was male with no chromosomal abnormalities 😢 I was pissed bc I knew my body someone sabotaged this pregnancy and something wasn’t right.

Fast forward a year and I was ready to try another round, but I knew deep down something was wrong with my body and I needed more testing. I asked my RE for more blood work and to look into my red flags more but they denied me. I knew it was time to switch to a new Dr. I prayed so hard for answers, because if I’m not able to have kids I NEED to have a reason why.

I found an amazing RE who sat down and listened. She said I had PCOS that had been ignored by my previous Dr. (13 AMH), And suspected endo (wasn’t shocked). She also told me during my ultrasound that I had a uterine septum. I never even heard of this and was caught so off guard. She explained that this can cause infertility and recurrent miscarriage. I was stunned, and so beyond irritated that this was ignored by my previous Dr. 😡

I had my surgeries yesterday and she removed the septum and I had stage 2 endo she was able to remove that surrounded my uterus. I have never been so relieved to get answers and a Dr. that listened and was proactive about treating my condition and NOT just pulling me full of fertility meds to see if I could get pregnant. I swear I feel better inside already.

If you know in your heart something is off, listen to that instinct and keep trying to find a Dr. that will listen. I am so beyond grateful that I found a great Dr. and am starting to make progress in my journey to start a family 💜💜💜💜💜

Bloated Laparoscopic belly 👇🏼 ... wouldn’t change it for anything!