Well fuck me

It’s 12:20AM here. I’ve been known to talk in my sleep, as my siblings complain about it, but I never remember anything. Well tonight I apparently slept walked into my step brothers room with my blanket in hand and tapped on his bed... He’s a night owl so he was awake. I woke up almost immediately to him slowly removing his headphone and asking me if I knew where I was. I went back to my room and proceeded to listen to him laugh hysterically as he told the whole thing to my step sister, to then hear them laughing hysterically at me and make several jokes of my being murdered at my brothers expense. Words cannot equate to how utterly embarrassed I am..... They’re in tears laughing but I don’t find it funny at all. He keeps asking me if I need someone to cuddle with and joking with my sister about being the “dumb blonde” in horror movies who doesn’t know she’s about to be killed. I’m dreading tomorrow night’s dinner when everyone will be at the table.....

As you can imagine I’m not laughing at all, I’m so utterly embarrassed about this whole thing. I’m guessing this isn’t the first time I’ve slept walked but I guess this is the first time I’ve actually gone into someone else’s room. I don’t remember anything ever but of course tonight is the night I wake right up....

UPDATE: I emailed Mom the morning after telling her what happened (I wanted her to hear it from me first versus at dinner, but my brother wasn’t even home last night 😂), but when I woke up yesterday I felt SO rested!! I’m not embarrassed anymore, I’m actually amused by the fact that I scared my brother for once. I’m just glad I can laugh about it now 😜 though I’m still wondering what caused it.... 🤔🤔🤔 I also don’t remember much but what I do remember is hearing my sister say “put the blanket away” (my guess is it was an auditory hallucination) so that would explain the blanket. I also remember tapping on his bed and thinking “wait, this doesn’t feel like my sister’s blanket...” but I still wasn’t awake. That’s when I opened my eyes, though..... Man, sleepwalking is weird 😳😳😳😳