SO mum hates me and i hate her.

my a fiancé have been with each 5 years and I’ve always disliked him mom she has physically attacked me a number of times in the past and my fiancé didn’t talk to her for a year until she apologised I forgave her even tho I didn’t want too.. anyways fast forward to a couple or months ago my fiancé calls me and said she calling me every name under the sun and a liar and that’s one things I am not! she then bans me from coming into her house he had to move back in with her as she is not very well at the minute she has now told my fiancé that he is not allowed to see me for 10 months he completely disagreed and she said that he is her career and that he has stay in the apartment 24 hours a day to take care of her he said he is still going to make time to see me but I can’t take her shit no more I am not in a relationship with her I am engaged to him and I feel like she is breaking up my relationship and I don’t know how much longer I can take, I love my fiancé but I can’t handle is controlling mother anymore.