HELP!!! Job Interview In An Hour!


so I have a job interview coming up in about an hour...its for a crew member at McDonalds. I'm SUUUPER nervous (as it is my first "real" job) and I don't really know what to expect.

Any comments/tips/stories? What to expect?

Thank you!

UPDATE: hey guys! so I'm back from the interview and it was...okay, I guess?

I got there at 2:25 (the interview was at 2:30) and waited for about 30 minutes.. a lady finally arrived at around 2:55 and we sat down.

Basically, I didn't get the job because I can't work before 1 pm on Sunday's. Otherwise, she said she would hire me 😭 I'm so sad because I really wanted this job and there are such few places that hire workers under the age of 16.