Do guys really trap females with a baby or am I crazy???

me and my boyfriend have been in a relationship for about a year-and-a-half. I got pregnant in October of 2017 and I had a miscarriage in December of that same year. It was a month or so before my birthday and I had found out some unsavory things about his behavior after. we went through the motions and things seem to get better but lately I've just been feeling like he hides too many things and I'm no longer as comfortable with the secrets. Now when we do have sex we don't use any type of protection but after he got the sense that I was mentioning us "breaking up" we had sex after and not only did he not pull out he stayed in and continue and cum again and then lifts my butt cheek up to push himself all the way inside me and wiggle around a bit. it was different then normal but I wouldn't really have paid any mind to it had we had not had a conversation months before about the mother of his child and when they went so long without having a baby and she asked and he said I made sure that it happened and boom the next month she was pregnant. So am I just really crazy for thinking that he got the sense that I was trying to end things and now it's almost like a reverse trap? Like do people still do that?