Elizabeth • 23 year old fur mommy from upstate New York. Expecting my first baby in February 2021! ❤️

I’m trying not to freak out because I’m sure there’s a completely logical explanation for this but I’ve never experienced this so please reassure me that this is normal ladies..

I’ve been on my period for three days now, it’s been super off because I’ve hardly been bleeding throughout the day but once I use the toilet I bleed. I haven’t had any cramps and any symptoms so far and I didn’t even have any leading up to my period. I just want someone to tell me I’m not dying and this is normal.

I wiped and there was a glob of something. It was hard but also kinda soft, covered in blood obviously but it was still super dark when I wiped blood from it. It was about an inch long maybe a little less or more.

Any comments would help reassure me. Thanks ladies