What is wrong with me

So my bf and I temporarily broke up and during that time this guy from work opened up to me about his feelings. He said he really likes me, thinks I’m smart, talented and beautiful. He would call me beautiful everyday and everyday at work he stares at me. One time when I hugged him and I was sitting and he was standing I felt his heart beating so fast and just the way he looks at me is insane. He’s face just says oh I love you and I want you. We hanged out a few times and we ended up kissing several times...and then one day we had very quick sex. He just made me happy and it felt right at the time but very quickly I regretted it. It was just too soon for me. Him and I ended up having a little disagreement because I made a joke and he told me that I was mentally abusive by making him have feelings for me when he doesn’t even have a chance to actually eventually be with me. I got upset because that’s not at all what I was trying to do. I had told him and showed him that I do care and like him but I just kinda walked away. He saw that I was upset and I just said everything is wrong. He hasn’t spoken to me since. I feel bad because I still was constantly thinking about the other guy and crying...and then few days later my bf and I got back together. We both know we hurt each other in the past but we still love each other, want to make things work and are really addicted to each other. I just feel like an idiot because I hurt both in a way. I love my bf and I want to be with him but at the same time it’s hard seeing this other guy at work. He looks over at me way less than he used to. He’s a really nice guy that I think deserves better than me. I just wish I didn’t have feelings for both...I feel like there’s something wrong with me. I feel like even though my bf has cheated on me in the past and we have had other issues I still want him so much and love him. My friend thinks that this guy from work is a lot better for me. I just wish I didn’t care when I saw him but at work I get anxious, really upset, and pick on my low self esteem even more. I feel like a pathetic person that just doesn’t understand her feelings and just hurts people around her and probably deserves everything bad that happens to me.