Getting Angry and Depressed!

Serena • 💙👼🏻 5/11/18 🌈👶🏻💖6/27/19

I contacted my OB today. Since my d&c; on May 11th I never stopped bleeding. I had heavy bleeding this past week that my OB believes was a period. Even though I never stopped spotting between and am still spotting now. He says that since I’m so irregular and spotting still I need to wait for ANOTHER cycle before TTC. My calendar now has this super long period in it when before my pregnancy I was perfectly regular with light 2 day periods.

I’m sorry to be so negative but I’m getting angry about this process and depressed because I just want to be a mother to a baby on earth! And now I’ll have all these “fertile days” and an ovulation day that probably isn’t even correct anymore. 😢💔