Looking for advice!


Hey y’all. I posted this in a different group and didn’t get much feedback. So I’m gonna keep this one short and sweet & hope for better results!

I’m pregnant for the 4th time. I only have one living child, my daughter. I am 6w3d pregnant and so worried something is wrong! I have basically no pregnancy symptoms. I know it’s common to not feel much at this early stage. But with my daughter I was miserably sick from 5w to roughly 18-20wks!!

So far with this pregnancy I have only really experienced slight cramping and heartburn. The cramping as been on and off since I found out (it’s actually what prompted me to test).

Everyone says each pregnancy is different. I am an intelligent 27 yr old. I know this to be true. But with it being such an uncontrollable situation, it’s hard not to think into every little thing I’m feeling... or not feeling.

Would y’all be willing to share your experiences with the differences in your successful pregnancies!?!

Thanks in advance! Sorry this wasn’t as short as I said it would be. Hahah!