Super Tired Mom Needs Help!


My daughter is nothing like my sons, been a great sleeper since I had her, but the last 3 night have been awful. I am pretty sure it’s her teeth. Her gums are swollen, drooling a lot, and biting everything. I give her Tylenol and rub some Orajel on her gums at 7:30p, she goes down at 8pm then she is up at 11p, 1am, 2am, 4am, 5am and I am beyond exhausted.

Aside from teething tablets and such (I will not give to my kids because is has belladonna and that’s a deadly poison) what can I do at night?!!!

How can I alleviate her pain so she can rest and me too?!

She is only napping in 20 min increments a few times a day.

Thanks in advance.