Am I trying too hard ?


So my boyfriend who him and I have been referring to each other as “my fiancé” since the begging for if our relationship. It’s been almost eight months of getting to know each other, arguments, smiles, and trying to have a baby.

Recently I moved back in with my parents then came back to live with him. We had just moved to a new city so right now we’re staying in a hotel. He’s 30 I’m 21 and neither of us are where we want to be in life to the point of being over frustrated about it.

When we have small arguments this always comes back up. For instance last night we had a petty argument that neither of us remembered how it started. We went to bed a little upset but ended up making up somewhere in the night cuddling and said our normal Iloveyou this morning. Well stupidly I started thinking of last night and he made a comment about us breaking up last night. I texted him and said can we work things out I don’t want to leave BIG MISTAKE.

At first he was confused and he said we just argued we were good. But then he called back saying he basically wanted to break up. He would help me get on my feet and we’d go our separate ways. Quickly I calmed him down and the conversations ended with him saying I deserve more than him. He’ll never amount to anything and I need a man that has more.

I’ve never been materialistic I told him I’m not giving up on him no matter what but what I’m wondering is am I trying to hard. If I’m being honest with myself we’ve had more than a few of these conversations where I feel I’m convincing him to stay (not as many lately) but am I trying to hard. We’re both in love with each other but these damn arguments give us both headaches and don’t want to keep having them....I just don’t know right now

Update 6/13: we had a long talk last night. I told him that it really sucks to feel unwanted in a relationship. And we need “say what you mean and mean what you say” you can’t tell me one day that you want to get married and have kids but ready to break up and I deserve better mess. I asked him to not tell me what I want to hear just tell me the truth. He said he wants us to not argue over little things because they’re annoying. He knows that I am the only person that he wants to be with and if we broke up he would be miserable but he feels terrible for me not having what I use to have. He just wants me to be happy in life because it’s what I deserve.

I believe him but I think the only way this relationship will work is if we’re both on our feet and able to pull our own weight. I feel like a bum (despite recently getting a job at Pizza Hut) and he feels like he owes me everything. Thank you everyone for the advice...