Should I tell my boyfriend the truth?

I have been very depressed this pass week or so and in a lot of pain. My boyfriend is there for me and tries to make me smile and laugh, which works sometimes. He doesnt know that I keep crying because of the pain I am in and how its making me depressed. When we stop texting or get off the phone he always says "Get some rest, you need it" or something along those lines.

Here's my dilemma..when he calls or texts me sometimes i just dont want to pick up because I am so depressed and in pain or crying. Should I tell him this is why I respond slow or late and why on the phone I am quieter than usual, or should I lie and say I was sleeping or resting?

I dont want him to think I am a depressed mess and get frustrated eventhough he always says he's there for me and we can work through things together. I just feel like it'll change and he wont be able to handle it anymore.

PS. I am trying things to brighten my mood in the mean time but it all only helps temporarily because the pain is what is making me depressed and stressing me out. And my pain issues don't have a solution right now and I dont know when there will be one.

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