What would you do?

Ash • Married 8.2.2014. 1st Boy 11.24.16. 2nd Boy 8.27.18

My husband was just told he cant drive due to passing out and needing to get a pacemaker. He makes most of the money for our household so he still needs to go to work. I'm out of work for medical due to pregnancy(7m pregnant) complications so technically I could drive him. But here are the issues: we have a 1.5yr old. He works an hour from home. Not only would I be waking him up at 5am(he already gives me horrible trouble sleeping) but he would be spending 4hrs in the car every day, not including other appts and errands. Second, I've already agreed to babysit this whole week(I sometimes babysit for a woman and get paid, we could really use the money).

His mother offered to take him but asked why I'm not driving him. He told her because I'm babysitting. I'm outside with my son and the little boy I babysit today, and I see my in-laws slowly driving by my house. My little boy waves to them, I wave, they dont wave back. They were stalking to see if I was babysitting. I am so fed up with them stalking our house.

So- would you confront your in-laws if they were acting like this?

Am I being selfish for not driving him to work?