Mother In Law

Alantra🧜‍♀️ • Wife ❤ 1 son 💙 One on the way with a twin in heaven 💕

My biological mother in law (his birth mother) had brought up that she wanted to be in the delivery room with me holding my hand when Im pushing. She has 2 boys so she will not get to do this for her own kids. My mom also wants to be in there..

Personally, I only want My birth mother and the baby's father, my fiance in there when I'm giving birth if the hospital will allow them both. How do I nicely explain this to her? Is it rude of me to allow my mom and not his? He doesn't seem bothered by me not wanting her in there. But she is 60 and he wants her and his dad as involved as I'll allow bc they are older and one is mentally unstable, the other is physically disabled and neither will probably be around to see him turn 10. He begged me to let her come to a dr appt with me and she did nothing but ask the doctor about when She was pregnant and questions that were just really unnecessary.

Am I wrong by this?