Funny first time story


Anyone have a funny or strange story on how you lost your virginity?

It seems to never go as planned, if you even planned it. Just not how you ever pictured it happening. At least that’s how it went for me...

I had a crush on a guy when I was in high school. I thought was completely out of my league. Over 6 ft tall, dark green eyes, very athletic. He messaged me over MySpace (this was years ago obviously) we ended up hanging out a handful of times. I always wanted to behave, and just talk and get to know him but we always ended up making out. Damn those bedroom eyes of his. Anyways skip a head a few months after continuous make out sessions. We go to his house, and climb into his treehouse, we were just listening to music, and talking, again started making out.. we end up naked in his treehouse. He’s on top just going for it. How 17 year old boys do... we get so into it neither of us were paying attention, and he falls through the door of the treehouse (the door was in the floor, you climbed up the tree trunk latter to get in) and he falls out of the treehouse naked. Funniest shit ever, but for a moment I thought he died. Such a champ though! He climbs back up the tree to finish the job! I later had to call him mom to take him to the hospital because he ended up breaking his wrist. I was the first have sex with him, and the first to sign his cast.

Not really relevant to the story but after we graduated I didn’t talk to him. We of course went our own ways.

10 years later... I’m currently dating this man... lol

So please share your embarrassing, funny, strange sex stories here.