For those of you who are lesbians, how did you know?

I tried posting this elsewhere but I got almost no response... I'm very confused... So I have always considered myself as bi but lately I have been wondering if it is more than that. I have only ever dated/slept with guys and I am currently married to a man and we have a young daughter together. however, I don't and have never found any man physically attractive, no male celebrities, no man I have ever met, no man I have dated, if I'm being honest not even my husband. I do find women attractive, many women but have never done more than kiss a few girls and I have gone to a lesbian strip club which was very exciting 😉 When my husband and I have sex I have to think about girls on girls to get off. Don't get me wrong I love my husband and I don't really want to change my life or leave him or break up my family because of it. I enjoy having sex with him, I am mentally attracted to him, just no physical attraction. Physical attraction has never really mattered to me though, I'm not one to judge a book by its cover. How do you know whether or not you are gay or if you just fall somewhere on the bi spectrum? I don't know if I have just always dated guys because that is what I am "supposed" to do. my dad and brother have always been very homophobic. I did come out to my mom in college as bi but I don't think she really thought I was serious or perhaps just thought it was a "phase". Someone in my other post suggested this is a phase too but this most definitely is not a phase seeing as I am 28 and this had been how I have felt ever since I was in high school and started having sex (over 12 years now).