Our story. True.


She’s 15, he’s 17. She’s a sheltered nerd. He’s the rotc/football jock. She’s a virgin. He’s NOT.

They ended up best friends until he kissed her. She got feelings, he got distant. They were ripped apart by social norms. Now in secrecy they continue to be together. She’s nervous he isn’t gonna stay, he’s nervous she’s gonna run away.

She’s 16, he’s 18. She’s still sheltered but is learning. He’s still a player but is learning. She’s ready to not be a virgin. He’s not ready to take it from her, they thrive in the in-between. They are scared of the laws and disapproval of family and friends yet are madly in love.

She’s 17, he’s 19. She’s back to her sheltered and hidden life. He’s grown. She’s still a virgin. He’s not. She’s alone wishing for him to come back. He’s gone over seas fighting for her freedom. She thinks of him everyday. He thinks of the future and how he won’t make it back home. She wants nothing more than to be with him. He wants nothing more than for her to be happy which he believes he can’t bring her. Despite it all they still love each other and want to make it.

Many things may keep them apart but everything they do is to have a future together. Many will say it’s not right and it is inappropriate but they ask that you remember that love is love and when you know you know. He knew the second he saw her they would have a future. She knew the moment he first laughed at her quirky jokes.


She’s still 17, he’s still 19. She’s fed up with the lies and excuses. He’s scared. She just wants him to love her the way she loves him. He just wants her to be happy. She wants to be next to him. He wants nothing more then for her to be by his side yet he pushes her away, he knows he will hurt her. She’s angry and upset. He wishes there was another way. She cries feeling betrayed, as he promised to never leave. He cries knowing that breaking his promises is the only way to keep her safe. She just wants him. He just needs her. She can’t wake up. He can’t sleep. She dreams of there time together. He can’t get his mind off of the way he lied to her, the way he broke her, the way he loves her more than life it’s self.