Telling his parents about an unplanned pregnancy

C • Momma 💗

My boyfriend and I have been together for about six months. We live together, work together (that’s where we met), and we’re best friends. We actually have a really strong relationship & excellent communication. His family likes me (aside from the fact that I’m not catholic), and has actually been surprisingly supportive of us as a couple and our decisions. However, he and I recently found out that we are expecting a baby (unplanned, but not unwanted). And, we have plans to tell them at dinner this Sunday (didn’t mean for it to be on father’s day — just kind of happened that that’s the only day our schedules lined up). And I’m getting really anxious about it. My partner has tried to reassure me, but he’s also anxious about the whole thing as he’s never gone through anything close to this with them — this will be their first grandchild. I’m trying to convince myself that it can’t be that bad, because I know they were actually in a similar situation when they got pregnant with him (21, unmarried, living together), but I also know there will be some level of disapproval as we are young. And we don’t plan to get married anytime soon (aren’t religious & just don’t see a need. Nothing against marriage, just not for us). And I don’t plan to raise baby catholic (boyfriend agrees 100%. Is agnostic, but hasn’t told parents). So I guess I’m just looking for advice on telling his parents. What to say? What not to say?