Our Greatest Adventure


After 6 frustrating months of TTC, hubby and I are finally expecting. This was the one month I stopped tracking and over analyzing it all! I drink🍹 more on the weekends than I have all year and didn't pee on several OPK strips. We were headed to Aruba 🇦🇼 and I was feeling down that I would be on my cycle! (Who wants to be on their cycle on vacation 🤷🏼‍♀️).

Well after excessive CM, elevated temperatures, increased arousal, and feeling emotional at everything 😊 , sad 😭, and in between, I decided to test. To my surprise I got my BFP ➕and decided to surprise hubby on our first day in Aruba. We have been together for 11 years, married 4 and love traveling. In fact, Aruba made our 10th country traveled together. Thought this was the perfect way to share our next adventure with him!

Still doesn't seem real! 😆😁🤰🏼