He said he doesn’t want a baby right now 😢


So I’ve been trying to have a baby since my husband and I got married. We have had a kid with each other 2 years ago but ended up giving him up for adoption cause we weren’t in a good place in our lives to raising a kid. So we gave him up for adoption. My husband and I got marrried last October and I’ve been super baby crazy. He has been on and off again with the idea of having a baby. So I’ve been doing everything I can to get pregnant. So the other day he kept shoving it in face that he doesn’t want a baby right now. I would have sex with me or anything. I got super up set cause he can’t seem to make up his mind. So we had a talk and he wants to wait 3 years before having a baby. Im like WHAT THE FUCK!!! That’s a long time from now ya know. And my thing is I’m going to school to become a mortician so I’m going to be around chemicals that will harm the baby. So my thought while I’m in school for this we can have a baby. But he said no. I’m frustrated cause I thought we were on the right page but I guess not. At first I was really sad I was crying so bad. But now I don’t know how I feel about it. But thank you for letting me vent! Have a great day