Lying about being pregnant.

****First I’m not sure where to post this

A girl I had sex with 1 time and she keeps telling that she is pregnant. I used a condom and also pulled out (don’t educate me on sex Ed I already know what can happen) 4 days after sex she was telling me she was pregnant blah blah blah.. it’s been about 2 months and she is still saying all this crap and she even sent me a NEGATIVE pregnancy test yesterday 🤦🏻‍♂️she has taken 4 tests in all that are negative but keeps saying she has a missed period . I’m only 17 so I do not want a baby at this time but with everything she keeps telling me she is not pregnant and i have been stressing out about it every single day. The real question here is there any legal things I can do since she keeps lying to me about being pregnant?

Update: she keeps denying to go to the actual dr to get the test. I have tried multiple times to get her to go but she won’t. I’ve also blocked her but she keeps finding ways to contact me.

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Posted at
Yea she sounds crazy I’d get parents involved


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If I were you I would go with her to the doctor to talk a blood pregnancy test just to be sure (even though she’s obviously not pregnant but this is more so to shut her up) after it comes back negative just block her from all contact


Posted at
That girl can’t know if she’s pregnant after four damn days, and 2 she isn’t pregnant if you used protection and pulled out, you don’t need to be stressed. Just block her of all contact


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I would run away as fast as I can before its too late. That sounds the start of being psychotic


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she is not pregnant. demand to go to the doctor with her. tell her, she can either let you come with her to the doc or admit she's lying.


Madi • Jun 15, 2018
that is okay. yeah shes obviously a liar. just cut her off. what can she do?


Kendra • Jun 15, 2018
She keeps denying to go to the doctor. I’ve been trying for a month to get her to go. I’m not sure what else to do. (Sorry I’m using my friends account since I don’t have one 😂)


Posted at
Definitely follow-up on it. I have had two guy cousins get trapped into marriage by their (now ex) wives who said “I’m pregnant” when they were 17-18. They weren’t.


Kendra • Jun 15, 2018
Do you know if there is anything legal that could help with this. (Sorry I’m using my friends account cause I don’t have on 😂)


Posted at
Good for you for being educated and smarter than her and not falling for her lies. Just make sure that you kick her out of your life. She sounds like she just wants to trap you so don’t do anything that she could use to do that. She’s obviously not pregnant and it seems like you know that so just be safe


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I would tell her she needs to go to the doctors and takes you with her. if she doesn’t she needs to stop or you’re going to get the parents and law enforcement involved.


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Dude. Block her on everything. If she finds other ways to harass you go press charges.


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Get a restraining order. She sounds crazy.