8 wk ultrasound, only 6mm :(

Had my first apt yesterday and had an ultrasound done. I should have been 8 weeks yesterday, but the baby only measured 6mm and she couldn't find the heartbeat. My Dr is going to check my progesterone and hcg levels today and again Saturday to see how they are doing, and another us next Friday. Said she can't rule it as a miscarriage yet, without the lab work. I'm nervous, this is my first pregnancy, first month ttc, I'm 24 turning 25 next week. Since I changed my prenatal vitamins due to them making me feel terrible all day, my symptoms haven't been as strong. Unfortunately I was already worried they would find something like this. I had hoped to have a good us and good news for my upcoming birthday, but now I just have a bunch of worry. I've heard other women turn around from this and have a healthy baby, that they just started a little slower than others, but I've also heard the negative side too. I guess we shall see.