How do you guys lose weight in tough situations??

Right now I’m getting my kitchen redone so I can’t really make time for the gym, but I also can’t eat great either since all I have as of rn is a refrigerator and a microwave and a hot plate. Any recommendations??? I really want to lose my rolls of fat so badly😭 it pinches at me constantly and it’s a terrible reminder. I look 5 months pregnant. My ass is wide but flat like a pancake, my boobs are weird, my hips are huge chunks of fat and my thighs brush together so much like a paintbrush on a canvas.

i feel so ugly in my skin every morning I hate it. I want to change but it’s hard. I hate that I go MIA in the summer and my friends feel confident enough unlike me to show off their bodies. I know losing weight isn’t easy but it’s something I need to do. Are there any home exercises you can recommend for me? Or healthy meals? I was thinking about doing laps around the track at the high school near my house. Maybe do like 4 laps do 2 walking 2 run/jog and then gradually do more laps as I get better. I also want to get in better shape for the tennis team in two months. My coach is being a real hardball about it and I definitely want to make the team and she’s skinny as a twig. I know I prob won’t get a 6 pack, but anything to help at all would be greatly appreciated!!! 💖💙💚