Need some Apartment advice

We don’t see our landlord much, we don’t even see him when we drop off our rent at his parents house Bc that’s where he lives.. there is no office...

So we signed a year lease, our place is super small, we’ve had a lot of problems with our neighbors that never get resolved, we hate our place. Also I’m pregnant and it’s not enough room for a baby.

So we decided to see if we can break the lease. It’s a year lease and we’ve been here 5 months and want to be out in a month.

I read online your best bet is to just ask him and beg for mercy lol I also read you should do it through emails so you have proof. So my husband texted him. And it’s been two days now and he’s never texted us back or called ur or anything. A gist of our text was is their anyway we can come to an agreement about breaking the lease, we will do anything possible to make this place ready for the next tenant..

I know that you can be responsible for having to pay the owed rent, that’s why I read online to just talk to your landlord first. If that’s the case we don’t plan on breaking the lease Bc we don’t have the extra funds to do so. Also why I said if we can come to an agreement. My problem is getting a hold of him..

What should we do now? My husband is gonna call tomorrow but most likely he won’t answer and it’ll go straight to voicemail.