125 days no period.


I haven’t had a period since January which was VERRRRY heavy. Back story... I started missing periods right after my wedding in September and in December I decided to go to my doctor because I had a faint line on a pregnancy test. She examined me and said to do a urine and blood test to see if I was pregnant, both came back negative so she scheduled a Pap smear, and 2 ultrasounds. The ultrasounds were scheduled for January 28. I ended the very heavy period January 25. Ultrasounds came back normal. They did one outside and vaginal one. Since then I’ve had no period, no spotting, had taken pregnancy tests all came back negative. My husband and I used preseed because were ttc on may 7th. For 2 weeks now ive had cramping, back pain and what I thought was gonna be the start of a period. I was wrong. It started with a brown discharge, I put a pad on and there was nothing, it only happened when I wiped. This has been going on and still going on for 3 weeks on Monday. Now when I wipe there’s clots that are coming out. I’ve taken 4 pregnancy tests and all have been negative. Has anyone else been through this? What should I do?