PCOS question


I’m thinking about asking my OB to test me for PCOS. I have hair growth on my chin. Acne like no other. I’ve got weight gain. (I thought it was from BC but now I’m not sure.) my periods have been irregular since January. But I had a miscarriage in December at 5-6 weeks. So I thought that was why I was irregular.

The only reason why I’m hesitant about being tested is my insurance sucks and doesn’t cover anything until I pay a deductible of 2800. So I don’t know if I can afford the testing. How much does the testing cost?

I know it sounds probably dumb. Trying for a baby and having medical bills that was but we can save money up for that and pay those over time. But I know getting tested would all happen all at once and everyone will want their money right then and there. Please don’t judge me.