An accident.

My friend just sent me this sad story of what happened to her, i did go check on her and her baby and her are in bad shape. i will be here every step with her. I got permission from her to post her message to me, I'm hoping you ladies could give her some support she needs. ------------------------------------------------------------ "I'm sorry If I'm to depressed to answer you. Literally life couldn't be any worse for me. So to keep it short, I had a lady babysitting Ellie, cause I only had to work a few hours. I get a call legit as I'm closing the truck at work that Ellie "got hurt" and I need to get to the hospital. Me being totally caught off guard I hit my head on the damn truck, so now I have a huge headache and disoriented as I go inside to explain things to my boss, I had to call a Taxi and the dude took so damn long to show up I walked half way there already in the heat that he had to find me and take me the rest of the way. So I get to the hospital confused as hell and my head hurting, first person I see is my ex. I'm pissed off, but I'm like okay our kids hurt so obviously they called him, but as I get closer I notice his whole damn family is there and they're so loud and laughing while my head just keeps stinging. I manage to ignore them all and get a hold of the doctor who is talking WITH the babysitter I hired. He explained to me that Ellie wasn't being watched and managed to slip down some stairs and not even joking I almost choked the lady right in front of everyone. I was pissed off and yelling at her that at that point I didn't even notice everyone is staring at me and a security guard is telling me to calm down. The doctor  understood why I was so angry and took me back to see Ellie. My knees literally were going to collapse when I saw my baby in a hospital bed. I had to start filling out paper work as my head stung while I was holding in tears. I had to talk to the doctors multiple times then the police to make a report. I had to hold down my baby as she screamed so they could take some blood for testing, had to hold her cryibg when they put medicine on a cut she got on her back, had to watch her struggle to take medicine. Then I held her as she slept on me while I just cried. Everyone was whispering about me, but I didn't care. They ended up leaving not to long after anyways. I just keep crying cause it's all my fault, I shouldn't have left her with someone I didn't know, I just wanted work to go by fast today without her there so I could get back. I feel so awful, I'm so depressed. I just wanna cry. I hate myself so much for this. I called work to talk to the manager to explain I don't know if I'm even gonna come in tomorrow. I'm so tired and upset I just wanna crawl into a ball. "