Help me fix my attitude! Husband, kiddo and socializing


Help me change my perspective! I get really really annoyed when my husband and I have get togethers or go to events because the whole time my husband is off socializing while I’m left chasing my little kiddo around. How do I not feel like this is unfair? From picnics to bbqs I’m always the one that has to leave to put my baby down for a nap or feed him (he’s bottle fed now) or deal when he gets fussy while hubs hands him over to go off and off chillin with his friends. I also exclusively pump now so not only am having to leave to do that I have to also come back to take care of my baby so I miss out on everything and it’s just not fun for me... I don’t think he does this on purpose I don’t think he even realizes it... Am I wrong for being upset? Should this not bother me? I grew up with a single momma so I don’t know how this is supposed to work.