Intermittent Spotting

So we are winding down the end of month 2 of TTC. I've experienced some unusual mood swings over the last week, and the pessimistic side of me is attributing it to stress and PMS. However, I have also had intermittent spotting over the last 5 days as well and I am not due to start my period until Sunday, the 12th. It happened for an hour one night, went away for 24 hours, came back for a few hours, went away again, had sex last night and was rudely surprised after we got done, but haven't bled since. It's all very light. I've probably had maybe two occurrences in 16 years that I've spotted, but it would always follow up with a full fledged period. As you can tell, I'm anxious because this will be my first child at 28 and I guess I'm just looking for positive answers and hope.