

So ive finally found milk my son actually likes....

So let me give y’all the back story so you guys can understand....

My son was born early he wasn’t due til July 30th but my little fighter decided to come on July 10th not to far off but far so with him being so small they marked him at premature cause he was 200% smaller then he should i noticed the milk (Similac Advance) they gave him in the hospital he wasn’t keeping it down or even taking it so me being worried 😟 i informed the nurse 👩‍⚕️ so they decided to give him (similac spit up) he still didn’t take it or keep it down so now I’m really worried i begged them to give him another type of milk and they told me they only can give Similac so i was force to watch my baby spit up all his milk even know he was hungry all he did was throw up 🤢 so i tried breast feeding but for some reason my breast wasn’t producing any milk so the doctors decided to run some test everything came normal with my son so the next day they sent us home i had already brought (Similac soy) due to the fact non of my kids could take regular base milk but only soy so i gave him the milk and low and be hold he throw it up every time i fed him it came up like a water fall so days later my milk finally came in so i pumped him a good batch thinking okay this will work nope he spit it up too now I’m really concerned 😟 i took him to three different doctors all said the same thing he was fine his digestive was getting use to the milk and to put him back on the soy milk so i did.

And i kept him on it til he was 3 months when i took him to his doc appointment they told him he was so small i stressed to them he wasn’t taking the milk and he keep throwing up and I’m scared so they switched him to (Similac Alimentum) me thinking okay maybe this will work i went to Walmart and brought the milk came home and gave it to him when it was time for him to eat and low and be hold it shot out it wasn’t even 10 mins after he ate then he thrown it back up so i didn’t give it to him again i was scared switching his milk like that would mess him up worst so my aunt who is a nurse told me to try (gerber Soy) so back to Walmart Mart i went got him the milk and came back home waited til the next day and gave it to him for his morning feeding he kept it down so I’m like YES I’ve finally found one days later i gave him the milk as usual and five mins later his shirt was soaked with throw up so i called his doctor and made another appointment and they checked him again and like any other doctor they said he was fine they told me to increase how many scoops i put in it which is three full scoops and he was only taking 3oz and no more then that i came home gave him the three scoops and 3oz by the way he was 5mnts and he still wasn’t gaining any weight due to him throwing up so much so my dad told me to put baby cereal in his milk with apple sauce i did to see if he keeps it down and nope nothing worked i was so frustrated cause nothing i did or tried worked so i gave it one final try and gave him (gerber gentle ) and he kept it down for three to four days and throw up again so i put him back on soy from 5mnts all the way til 10mnts the doctors was confused and concerned on why he wasn’t keeping his milk down or why he was spitting up so much and he was yet so small they told me to keep him on the soy til my next appointment looking at them funny i said okay so me as a mother i was concerned even more and even more mad that they couldn’t help my son like why are y’all doctors for so one final try i went to Walmart and picked up (Enfamil PREMIUM) did my normal gave him his baby food then gave him his 4oz of milk with cereal

(yes he still only taking 4oz of milk so i gave him more baby food to help him grow and also baby cereal so help wit the weight)

He kept it down didn’t throw up at all only if he was overly full but he is now 11mnts and still on Enfamil PREMIUM and he loves it he still small and have a of weight to gain due to all the throwing up and with him throwing up he have no muscle mass so he is very weak and going to see a doctor about that....

He also loves the (enfamil toddler next step in vanilla) which is helping with his weight...