Advice for having strict parents

Me and my boyfriend are both 18 and graduated high school. My parents have always been kinda strict. I’m not allowed to stay out very late and the only reason I would ever be able to stay at my boyfriends house if it was a special occasion (he lived an hour away from me). Now he has his own apartment which is also an hour away and I think I should be able to stay the night, I’m 18 and it’s a long drive from my house. I understand that I still live in my parents house so they can still make the rules but I don’t think it’s unreasonable for me to spend the night with him. He just got the apartment recently so I haven’t actually talked to my parents about staying over. I want to bring it but but I just don’t know how. I get along well with my parents and I don’t want to upset them by asking them to do something they won’t want me to do. How could I approach them while also respecting them?