He said he loved me for the first time


My boyfriend and I have been dating for nine months come July. I said I loved him the first two months we were dating and to me that didn’t seem early. Every time I brought up that I loved him or even anything to do with the conversation he would get all weird and basically just try to avoid the conversation as much as he could. Saturday night we got into a really big fight and we were talking about breaking up and then he cut me off in the middle when I was talking and said that he loves me. He told me that as soon as he saw me he fell in love with me. And he was sorry he didn’t say it sooner. I love this boy so much and I’ve made some mistakes in the past that I can’t take back. We talked everything through and we’re fine now we are better than we’ve ever been. He left for work this morning, he works four hours away for 14 days at a time. And before he left he hugged me, picked me up, spun me around and said he loves me so so much and that he can’t wait to come back. I don’t know what I’m trying to get at I just needed to rant I guess. And you ladies are the only people I have to rant about this stuff to.