Advice please

Okay so me and my boyfriend broke up about 2 months ago bc of some drama that didn’t even really involve the two of us but it was just always around us and we both don’t like drama. He also got really distant (which he tended to do from time to time) and i let it go on for about 3 weeks. It got to the point to where I never saw him. His friends or acquaintances tend to have a bad influence on him. He was spending way more time with them and never made time for me so i finally had to be rude and tell him that he needed to step up to my standards or step down so some other guy can and needless to say we argued and broke up. Ever since then i get random snapchats and text messages from him. I got so tired of him trying to talk to me and not apologizing that i blocked him. Needless to say he found out and got mad. So i added him back and we had a little talk that ended up with him being mad again bc i told him how I truly felt about the last 3 weeks of our relationship. All i want is for him to swallow his pride and apologize so we can talk, but he’s just wanting to have casual convo. The whole relationship wasn’t bad at all. I enjoyed it for the most part. There were times that he went above and beyond without me having to ask anything. Our personalities go good together and we were together for 8 months. Last week, i noticed that he had unfollowed me on social media but kept me on Snapchat and Facebook. What does that mean? Why would he do that? I miss him terribly but i absolutely don’t miss the pain and drama i went through. What should i do? Advice please!!