JUNE 16th (4 days early) !!

Maica • My little princess is ontheway! 👶🏽👑🌸🌈

So june 15th I had contractions all through the day. They were not constant but they were something that irritated me. I went in to get checked and was held to be watched on my contractions. Apparently she was just messing with me . I got sent back home @11pm and told I was 1 cm dilated and she’d be here sometime this week but not today. So I went back home. Ate a salad and went to sleep with my boyfriend. I woke up around 1 am cramping a little. And turning different positions to stop it. Kept waking up and falling asleep til it came to the point I couldn’t sleep and was so uncomfortable. I was moaning and crying in my sleep. That I kept my boyfriend up. I went to the restroom and felt constipated one moment the soft stool next. I instantly knew something was wrong. I told my boyfriend I was bouta drive myself to the hospital. He was already upset the first time saying I was faking. And he thought I was really faking this time. Finally at 4am I couldn’t take it no more. My boyfriend and his mom went with me to ER. And I got checked again. Was having contractions back to back. Was told I was bouta be 2cm. They asked me did I want to get in a birthing tub. I took a shot to manage the pain. It helped a lot but I was still contracting bad. To the point the checked me again and I was a 3cm now. They put me in a different room. Which was good bc that’s all my boyfriend wanted. He didn’t get any sleep and was grumpy. And so was I , knowing I didn’t get ANY sleep. Long story short. I got the epidural and things went a lot smoother. I feel asleep for a little bit and woke up and was told I was at 9cm. They broke my water and gave me some medicine to speed the process up. She was crowning before I started pushing. The nurses were going crazy seeing all my baby’s hair 😂😂 it only took two pushes and she was out 🤷🏽‍♀️ . Not pain felt. By the way. My boyfriend was on the edge of passing out through this whole process. My grandma was trying to hold him up. He was okay though. And now were welcoming our beautiful baby in the world. Her name is Aumera. Her name got picked at the last minute. Oh and I let him decide . Here she is ... she’s perfect to me. I’m so in love 😍❤️❤️❤️😩