1 year, 100 lbs


Hello to all you beauties out there. I just wanted to share my weight loss story with y’all, and hopefully inspire others!

So rewind to the end of my freshman year of college (Spring 2017). After moving in back home for the summer, I decided it was time to weigh myself after avoiding the scale practically all year. I did, and I had gained a whopping 45 lbs that year. Now, I was always been overweight my entire life, so this didn’t really surprise me. What did shock me was that I weighed 275 now. I was in denial. I couldn’t believe I had gained that much in a matter of 9 months.

My eating habits weren’t exactly healthy freshman year either. My meals consisted of a LOT of ramen, pizza, carry out, etc. Salads and other healthy food was a rarity, mainly eaten to make myself feel better that I included something healthy in my diet. Trips to the gym?- unheard of. Never went in the nine months I was there.

Back to end of college. Now, my dad had seen me gaining weight like crazy, and I am very thankful for what he did next, because if this didn’t happen, I would still be at the same weight. My dad, being the strong willed man he is, told me that it was time for a change. Time to lose all that weight. I, of course, was indifferent for a change like that, mainly cause I didn’t care for my body at all at this point. But I started anyway. Started out slow, decreased my carb intake, but didn’t cut them out completely. Less sugar, etc, etc.

After about two weeks, there was absolutely no change in weight. Scale showed the same number - 275. So my dad made the decision that would change my life, and one that I frankly, hated for months to come. The decision? To cut out all carbs and fruit, and only eat lean meat, fresh veggies. Along with that, I would do three day water fasts to get rid of weight that didn’t want to budge. Now, people have told me “omg! Water fasts are so bad! You gotta eat!” But I disagree with that statement because those water fasts were the ones that saved me. I would lose 4-5 lbs in those three days; much more than I’d lose when I ate. “Omg! That’s so unhealthy to lose that much weight!” Having over 100 lbs in excess weigh is unhealthy. Did I die? No I did not.

Now, I’m not saying this’ll work for everyone. And I’m sure as hell aren’t encouraging y’all to follow this method. It just happens to be a method that worked for me.

The next few months were excruciating. I was constantly hungry, but I began to realize that once this was over, once I lost the weight, I would be much happier and healthier. My relationship with food also began to change. I began to see it not as something I had to have just to eat it or for the pleasure; it was something I needed in order to sustain my body with nutrients in order to survive. Food was no longer at the top on my priority list. The thing that did begin to rise on my priority list was exercise.

Sophomore year of college began, but I continued on my journey. Another thing that helped was living at home sophomore year. Since I live 7 minutes from the college I attend, living at home was much more doable.

I continued eating small portions of healthy food, although the days of doing three day fasts were over. I also kept going to the gym everyday, and walked uphill on the treadmill for two hours. I forgot to mention that I did this type of exercise from the very beginning of my journey.

Now it’s June 18: 1 year and 2 weeks since I started my journey. And I am proud to say that I have officially lost 100 lbs today. The journey was very difficult, with ups, downs, and plateaus - quite a few of them. But I am honestly so proud of myself and what I had accomplished, as well as with my body. But the biggest props goes to my dad for being there with me every step of the way, and encouraging me on when things got tough.

Anyway, that’s my journey. Hope it’ll help inspire others who are struggling with weight like I was. Ladies, don’t give up. You can do it! I believe in all of you!

Now, picture time.

The first three pics are of me ( the red circled one) a week and a half before the end of school:

The next three are of me this morning before my workout:

Anyway, thanks for listening, ladies. Love y’all!