Bed rest


This is a bit of a long story. I was 31 weeks along.

Wednesday the 6th I went into the e.r with pain in my stomach they checked baby and everything was fine so they decided to send me home (I had been in the e.r the previous week with contractions that were 2 minutes apart but not changing my cervix so they gave me 1 shot of the crap that stops contractions and it worked so I was sent home) before they sent me home this time the nurse asked if I would like my cervix checked just to make sure I wasn’t dialating I said yes so they checked and my cervix was at a 1.5 if I had not said yes to them checking me I could have gone home and went into full labor. they started an I.v and I started contracting right before she had checked my cervix and continued to have contractions after. They gave me a dose of the shot that was saposta stop contractions and it did nothing they waited an hour and gave me a second dose which also did nothing along with some muscle relaxers then they checked me again and I was up to a 3 in dialation at that point they decided not to give me the next shot and gave me the shot that helps your baby’s lungs develop quicker just in case they needed to deliver my baby early. They then started a bag of magnesium if you’ve ever had it you know it makes you feel as tho you were hit by a bus and had the flu at the same time. They then admitted me moved me to an actual room and kept trying to stop the contractions they finally gave me a shot of morphine and I was able to get a few short hours of sleep from 12-3am I woke up at 3 to more contractions that wouldn’t stop but nothing changed in my cervix. Late Friday night the surgeon finally showed up in my room after waiting and hearing that he was on his way to talk to me 5 hours prior!!! He then told me all this crap that freaked me out and he made me feel like I was somehow causing or wanting the baby to come early!!! The next morning I started feeling a lot better and MY actual doctor was on call and I was able to talk to her and found out they wouldn’t take the baby early unless I dialated to a 6 or something was wrong with me or the baby but I would be in bed rest and need to go into the doc every week from now on. Sunday they sent me home. Tuesday after I ended up back in the hospital due to contractions that were 2 minutes apart and putting me in worse pain then before! Oh I forgot to mention that for some reason my contractions don’t show up on the monitor at all!!! So the nurse wouldn’t shut up about the fact that she “couldn’t see them” so I finally just said “well I fricken feel them and they hurt!!!!” They gave me all 3 doses of the shot that is saposta stop contractions then also gave me 200mg of the muscle relaxer which is the biggest dose they could give me and still nothing worked until they gave me Percocet then I was able to rest a little and I let the nurse know that I felt a bit better the first words out of her mouth were “oh the pain is gone” and I said no it’s not gone it’s just diluted. She told my doctor that it was completely gone just to get me out of there and at that point I wanted to go home just to get away from the way she was acting! I’ve been on bedrest for almost 2 weeks and my kids have been living with my mother in law because the doctor wasn’t going to send me home if my kids were still there cuz she wanted me on complete bedrest. My mother in law live in Iowa 4 hours away! It’s been killing me not having my kids with me and now my mental health is deteriorating I have a history of depression, anxiety and I’m just super angry all the time now!!! Idk why to do! I’m so depressed and angry and I know this is not the real me!!! I miss who I was and I’m so done with bedrest! I’m not sure how much longer my mental health can take it.... anyone else? I feel so alone....