Anxiety and talking about it.

I have had anxiety for about 6 years now. Like properly diagnosed and it got to the point where I would go to class and leave home but something clicked one day and I didn’t want to go home. I’ve ran away 4 times and it’s never been a picnic but when I told my school about him they just shoved me away and said that you have a livening family. I was so angry. What is her right to say that I have a loving family when I seriously don’t. I told her I have ran away (this is a proper mental support helper at my school) she just made this face 😬 and went back on her laptop. Her job is to literally help people. I’m not allowed to sit in her room when I am in floods of tears but as soon as a friend of mine goes there and doesn’t say anything, she is allowed to sit there for hours... I’m like what the actual fuck. I then got diagnosed with depression maybe a year ago or a bit longer and my school did nothing to support that. I spent my times int eh bathroom just flooding my eyes out and wanting to end everything. I was so angry with the teachers there and I didn’t get a single piece of help from there. But the teachers seemed to think I did which I seriously didn’t. So now I’m going to collage (uk) without anxiety that’s sky rocketed and depressions that new and bad. It’s going to be SHITTTTTTTTT. My point is, should I get a professional to talk to? I can’t talk to my parents because they just don’t understand because I hide my mental illnesses from them so they don’t know that I don’t go to classes and that I’m having a hard time at school. I understand I should talk to them but they wouldn’t understand! They seriously wouldn’t. They don’t know how to support me and they just go silent and tell me bullshit I should do but it never helps. Once I vented to my mum and the next day she came into my room with a load of stress balls. I’m like how does that help. They just don’t know what to do when I talk about it. I feel so disconnected from my family. Like I’m an outsider! Like I’m adopted. Sometimes I wish I was so I have an excuse to leave that family. Just needed advise on what to do. Thanks