Feeling discouraged...😕


I’m 11 years old, and I’m a preachers kid. I obviously from a religious family, and I’m religious as well. I am the youngest of 3 children. The other night, my siblings, their bf/gf, and I were all in the pool. Somehow we got on the subject of our previous mistakes. It came up that my mom told my sister that I was going to be the wild child. Jokingly, one of them said that one day they were going to get a call that I needed to be bailed out of prison. I’m a smart kid. I’m the top of my class. I don’t see my self being like that. I feel like no one thinks I can succeed. I feel like no one has faith in me. It’s like their setting me up for failure. Thanks for reading me spill my heart onto the internet.♥️😘