Anyone else feel like you’re dying?


I’m 30w3 days and I honestly wonder how I’m going to make it full term. My son is measuring 3 weeks ahead and has just about ran out of room but my doctors won’t even consider moving up my due date. I’m 4’11 on a good day and my husband is 6’1 so my son is already tall. His feet are so far up in my ribs that just sitting down gets me out of breath. I constantly have the worst leg and hip pains to the point I need help when I walk. On top of all that today I’m so nauseous I can barely stand it. I’ve laid in bed for hours being super whiny because I feel like absolute crap! We live in North Carolina and its been in the 90s for weeks with high humidity. I can’t even walk outside without feeling sick and out of breath. I am so grateful to be pregnant with my little man and I want him to be healthy but I am so miserable. I just want some relief and everyone thinks I’m overreacting. I may be overreacting but it’s my body and I’m the one who has to live with the pain and the problems every day. I’m just so ready for little man to get here so I can love on him but also get a little relief.