Can't tell if I am pregnant. Help??


Okay I am 23 years old. I had a baby 16 months ago. I poked holes in a condom some time in the beginning of June. I was late on one period but it eventually came but was not normal then I was late again by two days and it was really short like 2_3 days long. First day really heavy the rest barely anything. Been feeling sick and seen my stomach move like I am being kicked I don't know what to do please help.
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Posted at
Entrapment is illegal and you've just admitted to it on the internet. You need some help.... Hopefully you aren't pregnant.


Posted at
Condoms typically have spermicidal lube in them, so the chances of you being pregnant are slim.Also, if you want a baby you need to have that conversation with your SO like an adult. Until you're ready to act responsibly you should really stop having sex altogether.


Posted at
Perfect place to reuse this gem :) 


Nicole πŸ˜πŸ΅πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™Š β€’ Jul 11, 2015
Save this one. It fits so many scenarios! Hahaha


Ambria β€’ Jul 11, 2015


MichelleπŸ’‹ β€’ Jul 11, 2015
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ love this!


Posted at
What? Why would you poke holes in the condom..take a test it's that simple


Posted at
If you want to have another child, grow up and have that conversation instead of being passive aggressive about it.And take a pregnancy test if you want to know if you're pregnant or not.


Posted at
Omg!!!!! Really??? Poor dude. He better run!! Stupid people shouldn't reproduce!!


Posted at
So useful this week.


Posted at
This just makes no sense. If I'm a "judgemental bitch" for tying pieces together, then so be it. And if you were raped, you wouldn't say you cheated on your husband. Rape and cheating are to different things.


Posted at
You poked holes in a condom? Wth? Anyway, if you were pregnant you wouldn't be able to feel kicks this soon. Have you taken a test? If not, take a test. If you bled, and it was heavy and period like your probably not pregnant but only a test can tell you for sure. Or see a doctor for a blood test. 


Posted at
Ok I've got a few things to say here:1)take a test because that's the only way to know for sure, no amount of symptom spotting or speculation will give you a real answer.2) if you both want to get pregnant using a condom, even with poked holes, is definitely not a good method to use. Condoms have spermicidal lube on them so why not just go without if you both genuinely want pregnancy to be the outcome?And 3) there's absolutely no way you'd see or even feel movement in your stomach this early! That doesn't happen until the baby is MUCH bigger, like end of 2nd trimester at the earliest.