Just Need to Vent

I just need to vent and it's totally fine if nobody reads this but I am just emotionally exhausted and I have nobody to talk to. My husband and I have been married for almost 3 years. He has constantly put off having a baby and made up so many excuses as to why we couldn't start trying yet. Well his latest excuse was we needed a house first. He got a wonderful job in a new city and we bought our house. He's been there for about a year. I got a new job and have been there for about 6 months.

We FINALLY both agreed to start trying in August. Well, my job is just now starting to offer temporary disability but I can't enroll until August 1, and then there is a 3 month waiting period 😔. So ok I thought that was fine maybe we could do without that. But then my husband comes home from work Monday and says his company has been sold to a competitor and they can't

guarantee anyone will keep their job. Not only that, but I was on his health insurance and their benefits are changing come January.... so needless to say, we won't be trying for a baby anytime soon..... I'm heartbroken and my husband is just an upbeat guy so he just keeps telling me it will all work out but I want to throw a pity party for a while. 😭 I have no women to talk to about this as I am not very close with my family... so, I just needed to type my feelings out about this. I have prayed and prayed and we just can't win for losing.

If you've read this far thank you and please say a prayer for me 😔