Workplace regulations while pregnant


Hi All! I’m a FTM, 32 weeks and 4 days and I have a question about working conditions while pregnant. As many of you, I’m also due to have my baby in August which means things are getting hotter. I work at a nonprofit in downtown Boston and it’s a 5 floors really old building where things break all the time. We have an elevator that’s the stuff of nightmares, but I was using it fine for the first and second trimester. Well, the elevator is now broken. It has been for almost two months and no signs of when it will be fixed. We are at the top floor, so every morning I have to climb the stairs 5 flights to our office. The only thing I get when showing my frustration about the elevator is basically well you know how the building management company is, the never fix anything yada yada. It’s get omg harder and harder as my baby grows to come up every day. And don’t even tell me about middle of the day meetings. Sorry for the essay, but do you guys know of any laws that can get me to work from home or put more pressure for the stupid elevator to get fixed? It’s getting really hard guys and I wasn’t planning on stopping to work until up until my due date. I can still work full time and fine, it’s just going up every morning is not ideal. Any advice or knowledge of laws or regulations will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!