Bathroom adventure

Guys.. 😂😂 I had the funniest thing ever happen yesterday

My son (3) was sick yesterday. He had accidents the day prior and had a fever so doc wanted a urine sample to rule out a UTI.

She give me the cup and I’m like “oh great, this is gonna be fun”. So we go into the bathroom and he really had to go. I didn’t even get the lid off and his pants are already down. I told him to move closer to the toilet because he was kinda far away. But he just says he really has to go 😂😂. I’m think “ok he’s going to just pee right here on the floor if I don’t just put the damn cup under him”. So I put the cup under him so he can go. He pees, and pees... and pees. The cup is filling up so I’m trying to move him towards the toilet but we’re both so focused on making sure it’s in the cup we didn’t get far enough and then it happens.. the cup overflows and now it’s spilling onto his pants.. I move the cup so it won’t get in his clothes and now it’s going EVERYWHERE.. EVERYWHERE.

I mean I’ve never seen so much pee in my life. It just won’t stop. Now I’m trying to slowly move him but now there’s pee on the floor and he’s walking in it to get to the toilet. I thought it would never stop!! It was like those horror movies where there’s blood everywhere but it was pee. it was happening so fast and I was laughing so hard I couldn’t think. 😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️ so eventually he finishes and I cleaned the floor with paper towels the best I could but there was just soooo much of it.

In my defense, I’ve never helped someone else pee in a cup so I feel I was very ill equipped. Omg it was awful 😂😭