Chest and back pain at 33 weeks


Heyy glow ladies!

To start off with I had a check up on the 19th where I found out I had some protein in my urine. My blood pressure was oddly higher than normal (normal being 100/60) She almost sent me for preeclampsia testing at the hospital. Instead she rechecked it, and sure enough it dropped back to normal.

Well, starting today I woke up with a mild headache that faded on its own. I have been having chest pains starting in the middle of my chest then radiating to both sides before fading away. It would also sometimes go down my back, and feel like period cramps. A few times it would cause a few braxton hicks. The weird thing is that it would disappear for a few hours then come back just the same. Sometimes with more contractions, and sometimes not.

Currently I am feeling light headed with chest pain, and a lot of Braxton hicks. I have tried walking them off, drinking more water, laying down, and nothing seems to be working. I just want to know if any of you ladies have gone through something similar and turned out to be nothing. Cause honestly I'm nervous that it's possibly preeclampsia.. Anything would be appreciated!!