This doctor was a bitch to my vagina!

I want to start by saying I have a 16 month old, my only child. I delivered him naturally. My vagina really tore. The second week I had internal hemorrhage. I lost more then half of my blood I seriously made it and it’s a miracle because doctors and nurses at the ER thought I was already dead because I wasn’t responding and my body was just gave up on me. They had to take me to have an emergency surgery and of course they damaged me down there with possibly pulling my stitches on accident or something. Well months go by and I feel so much discomfort as in I feel so open and my outside area didn’t heal right because of the stitches. It’s been 16 months, haven’t had sex because this has really affected me. When I’m naked I feel air in and out and I feel there’s like a clapping noise because of down there. Anyways, I thought maybe I could get surgery to fix this. I consult my original Dr and she says she notices what I’m talking about and that its possible I can get surgery so they sow me up a little bit more. So she then says she’s going to get me another appt with a second dr to hear a second opinion....

I agree and this is where it all happens...

I go and wait 2 hours ...

This Dr comes in and I explain to her about my situation...

She goes on to totally ignore me and talk about my uterus which I don’t care and I have no problem with.

I continue to listen and I tell her ..

“You’re not listening to me, my uterus is not my problem!” Mind you, she was so rough with her fingers while checking me down there she made me want to cry of the pain. Then I tell her about all my original Dr said and she goes on to say “you think you will afford the surgery?!” With a a look..

and I tell her “yes, I’ve had cosmetic surgery done and it sure was so expensive and but I payed it because I could afford it.” Then she goes on to tell me “I think you want to look perfect down there” and I tell her ... “you’re not understanding me and I don’t care for a perfect vagina BUT I do want to feel comfortable again because it’s so uncomfortable down there even with my underwear.” And i don’t even wear fancy panties I like comfort. But then this Dr goes on to tell me all these other things and then she goes like “if you want I can get you an apt with my partner, but I doubt he will agree on your crazy idea about surgery because it’s crazy of you think about that” then I told her “no thanks” and I told her well what else do you suggest and she tells me “just deal with it like other women” and goes on to tell me shes a specialist and that my dr isn’t. Also I had my blood pressure so low from these meds I’ve been taking and told her about it and she said basically she didn’t care and to get another appt for that. After she didn’t even say bye or nothing she just walked out and all..

Guys I walked out of the clinic crying because she made me feel so bad...

i couldnt stop crying because of how she made me feel. She made think of many all the other patients she’s probably been a butch too. And I wanted to share this with everyone here to see what I can do about this? Or if anyone else has had a dr be so mean to you. What did you do about it?