If able.. C section Again or try to have Natural???

Star • My name is star.. 26 years young 😘 Married & have 3 beautiful baby girls (2 yr old Twins and a newborn singleton)🎀😍 #GirlMom #MomaBear

ii have twin girls delivered c section. (One was breached other was curved around her).. if ii have One baby this time im between having another c section (Loved it actually) Or try to have natural since ii have 2 year olds when the baby/babies are born.. would just like to have some advice ???

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My first was a c- section because she was huge, 10 pounds, my second was vaginal, also huge 9 pounds. Recovery wise for me c-section was way way worse. After my second we stoped by target on our way home from the hospital lol. I would say try for a vaginal before just scheduling a c-section


Posted at
I had a c section with my daughter that is 10 months old and I’m pregnant again. My doctor actually told me it’s perfectly safe to have a vaginal delivery if that’s what I want. I would recommend talking to your doctor


Posted at
Never had a csection but I feel like recovery natural is so much easier. Of course that all depends on if you rip while giving birth. I had a minor rip with both my girls and healed wonderfully. I was doing everything the dr told me not to do without pain or anything. I had a friend who had the more severe rip to where it ripped her rectum and her recovery was so horrible but she had a very large baby. I feel like they should of gave her a csection.


Vanessa • Jun 23, 2018
I think natural would be better only because if you have a csection you’ll have to worry about if you could pick up your kids because of your cut. Not sure how it was for you but my cousin couldn’t lift nothing heavy and when she did her cut open. So there she was off to the er. It was a hassle for her but everyone is different. It’s all what works best for you. If you have the help at home when you have the baby than csection if that’s what you prefer.


Star • Jun 23, 2018
ii walk outta the hospital in jeans lol ii didnt have any pain.. ii got up and walked around before ii was suppose to.. thats why im in such a hard spot with wanting a natural and wanting to just go c section again.. Such a hard decision for sure !!! but since ii have 2 yr old twins if ii could have natural it would be better and faster possibly ?


Vanessa • Jun 23, 2018
My cousin had a csection and it was harder for her to do a lot of things. Not sure how your experience was but that’s why I say I feel natural is easier to heal from


Posted at
I had two vaginal deliveries then my son was breech and I had a csection. This time for #4, we are going to try for natural, but I’m over the fear I had of csections. Natural was faster recovery, but I had a good experience with my csection 🤷‍♀️


Posted at
I had a c section and then a natural birth it depends on how they cut you for your c section your doc can tell you what they recommend


ashley💋 • Jun 23, 2018
for got to mention I would definitely do a natural if possible the recovery is much better in my opinion


Posted at
I had a C section with my son because he was so big he got stuck. I so badly want to try for a natural birth with my best but my doctor said most likely my next baby will be big also. He said do you want two exit wounds. lol. Butttt in your case if your babes aren't big I would so try for a natural birth. It's such a hard decision