my baby’s father..

I’ve been with my baby’s father for 2 1/2 years. we had kind of a rocky relationship through the years. we fought some times but we really really loved each other... we got engaged in January and found out I was pregnant at the beginning of February. we both really wanted a baby and were excited.

recently we moved into a new house. things have gotten difficult. he is suffering mentally, he has schizophrenia. he often says how he can’t think and that nothing feels real. He’s not dangerous to others but to himself. I try to be there for him, but he just pushes me away. I feel like I have to beg him to stay with me. one small disagreement, one small fight and he just gets angry and takes me to my parents house and says “I’m done”. I don’t know how I’m supposed to do this. I’m having our baby in October, and he doesn’t even want me to live with him in the house we were supposed to live in together. I know my hormones and emotions don’t make it any easier on him, but I have to beg him to not leave me. when we’re together at his house he acts like he loves me so much, but one small fight and I’m taken to my parents and left there. my parents are happy to have me there, but my sister is a huge stressor. she has bullied me about my pregnancy since she found out. she threatened to call cps on me and told me my child will end up taken away when she found out I was pregnant. I just want to be with him and he just dumps me here the second a problem comes up. I don’t know what to do... im not comfortable at my parents because of the stress, but he doesn’t want me there either. I’m so stuck. Any advice