Pregnancy Dreams

Jee • 24. Married.💍💏 2 Little Princesses👸👸😍

Goodmorning ladies,

So boyfriend & I are TTC#2, since our daughter is almost 2 years old. I am ready & anxious as hell, don't forget kinda impatient too! Lol I guess it's because my first pregnancy was not so much planned & this pregnancy will be! I'm kind of thinking I should give up & just forget about it & just let my body do what it does! Butttttttttttt I keep having pregnancy dreams, like I'm pregnant or my tests are positive. So idk maybe my conscience is just playing with me. According to glow, AF is due in 5 days & I took a pregnancy test on Wednesday was BFN. So I guess I'll just try harder this cycle. Has anyone else had dreams like this?