Husband has co workers nudes ...

Idk how to stay with him anymore. My husband works at a clothing store in the mall. He’s 34 and he does the stoking back shelves and stuff. Well he works with a bunch of girls too... so I was going thru his phone and noticed a number not saved so being the snooper I am I looked and guess what. This little girl , probably 18 or 19 was sending my husband nudes !!!! It was just the pictures and no other convo ...? It was one of her boobs and one of her vagina. I asked him. He goes “ she accidentally sent those it was meant for our other co worker blah blah blahhhhhh”. So I was like why do you still have it??? Being a guy heslike “uhhh idk”. So I cut him off the whole day. Well fast forward two days later I catch him in the bathroom , he thought he locked the door but didn’t .... and this guy was jacking off to this girls pics.

I’m done with him ladies. Filing for divorce.


Ladies ! Thanks for all the support!!! Everyone asked for an update so here it goes ! When I caught him he was embarrassed and tried chasing me when I walked away, I was like hell no. He’s been staying at his moms house.

As for the girl, she’s 18 and KNEW he was married so I did go talk to there manager and I don’t think either of them still have the job. So they are both to blame. For the comment saying “I invaded his privacy “ all I have to say to that is guuurlll please. I’m a snooper and proud of it or I would of never known! I’d rather be a snooper then a cheater any day!

Oh yeah and I told his mom and she bashed him hard. I’m still debating if I should tell that girls parents beause I found them on fb, and honestly I probably will 🙃! At this point I don’t really care if I hurt them back cause I’m feeling all sorts of empowerment and pettiness. Thanks ladies