I’m never horny anymore! Help!


Sooo, idk what’s up with me, but I’m never horny anymore. I’m like never wet when we have sex! I’m 33 and my sex-drive has disappeared!! My man (he’s 25 and yes, I’m a cougar 🐯😉😍) doesn’t even bother for sex as much because I’m never in the mood. I feel sad about it because I don’t want him to think it’s him or that I’m not attracted to him. I’m super secure in my relationship, it’s very strong, so no, he hasn’t cheated...yet... So I want to kick it in gear and try new things to try and boost my sex-drive! I need to know all the tea ☕️ What gets your horny?! I need to be open to new ideas, tips, and tricks to arose the V 🌺✌🏾💋